Tuesday, October 12, 2004


No, not just the side profession of my last three girlfriends (sorry Laurie, Elisa and Cheryl) but me whenver I get inside a bookstore. I go through periods where all I do is buy books. Over the last three days I've seriously binged purchasing two collection of short stories by Rick Bass (THE WATCH and THE HERMIT's TALE), Jim Harrison's beautiful novella LEGDENDS of the FALL, which, although it differs from the Movie, I still see vivid rainwater reflections of myself in all his creations. Anthony Doerr's OUT OF THIS WORLD stunning collection THE SHELL COLLECTOR, especially for the O. Henry Winning "The Hunter's Wife" a story I've easily read over ten times in the past two years and every time I read it oxygen is robbed from my lungs....

And hey, let's not forget literary journals. The new issue of Poets and Writers (so I can see who got published in the magazines where I was rejected) the cool avant-garde coffee table posh BLACK CLOCK. I LOVE Aimee Bender and David Foster wallace of course. And TIN HOUSE another posh favorite has an interview with George Saunders, a cool as hell writer I got the HONOR of introducing four years ago at Barabra's Bookstore in Chi-town.....

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