Thursday, August 26, 2004


WHY DIDN'T MY SPIRITUAL SOUL MATES SLAP ME!!!!! "Jo, Your hair! Your one true Beauty!" AHHHHHHH! I even had the president, THE PRESIDENT of the University come up to me and ask me if I was Drunk when I cut it! The President!!!!!!

I feel that I've clipped off all my conficence and romantic mojo....once a witty, unfettered Fabio, I'm now a stuttering eye-lidded befuddled Hugh Grant!!!! I've come from Axl Rose to Axl Altar Boy......... Arya, Daniela, Cute girl who reads my blog and sends me weird e-mails.....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Daniela Kantorova said...

relax. is your Mara related to Arya's Mara? remember d00d, you're NOT your body. LOL. you'll be fine.

David Von Behren said...

God that's a hard concept to grasp...."you are not your body." When my grandmother died about a year and a half-ago Uncle Mike was like, "Just remember her physical body is a coat..." or a "physical garment." Honestly, I don't think I've advanced to this level yet--although I'm not vain or materialistic....Campbell describes the (creative) soul as being like a's composed of glass and fibers but intrinsically it's the light that's important...."What's important is not the vehicle, but the light."

or as Uncle Mike said in an amazing lecture about a month ago, "When we emblazon His name, we emblazon all the names..."

or, as Rumi playfully posits, "What is the soul? I can't stop asking?"

or as David said, "nffffffffffff" the ramifications of excessive Lit-Crit? postmodern Theory classes over the first days......

David Von Behren said...

DUHHHHH.....that's why we write (and blogg)'s not our physical mien that matters (the fibers, teh skin, the bulb) it's the light emanating through our finegrtips, sprinkling the bloggersverse with smiles....when do I get to ride in your T-Bird?

Arya said...

it's good for you. suck it up.