Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Think of it as bubbles emptied from the cold lips of someone who has already drowned


The way your body curves
Into an humped fetal
Cocoon of lower case flesh
Bowing towards the east at

Your spine inside my spine
Curved one second
Erect the next
A beanstalk bearing
Cantilevered planks
Playground slide
Limbs I mounted and

Dug into the spinal rungs
Whistled up the side of your body like a flag
Being raised
Only to find your head already
Above the clouds, while the
Rest of your body drooped
From your neck, below
The hemisphere, I fell

Bungied to your ankles,
Looking up, dangling
The arched hospice,

Parabolic straddle, cul-de-sac
Half-moon rainbow potted
gold in disguise
of your saltine thighs

I sat alone under grandpa’s
Chair and cried

I grappled your elbow
An r-shaped boomerang that fell
flaccid every time I threw
it back into your lips

Every time my lips came inside of you
Your mouth contorted into the
Shape of the first traced vowel.

The letter that denoted
Report card prominence heralding
Academic hosanna’s.

I peeled you into me,
Zip-locked your flesh into my flesh,
Stepped into your torso

Adjusted the tongue of my zipper
Buckled the area around my waist,

Where I found your face
Where I found you

All the way inside of my body,

Akimbo limbs crucifix.
I laughed at
The sight beneath us,

Our body
Exhaled one lunar shadow,
My body, lower case,
behind your half-opened
horseshoe telling you that

I love

Taking deep breathes, pushing
Everything that has ever
Been inserted into you

Into eternal rest.


1 comment:

boabhan sith said...

I loved it, that is an amazing use of words. I really like it. I'm at a loss for words of my own...there is now comparrison.